Beauty Is Beauty

Sunday 12 January 2014

Overcoming Whitish Traditional Medicine

Overcoming Whitish Traditional Medicine, If you are having whiteness, you certainly can not feel comfortable and need some way to overcome these whitish, Of course, white is a disease that must be treated immediately before they become worse and threaten your health. When you find a whitish color that gets worse with a thick, smelly and itchy, it means you should be looking for ways to overcome vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge such as allowing you to suffer more severe disease. Here are some ways to cope with whitish you can know :

Friday 27 December 2013

Behind Katuk Leaf

Behind Katuk Leaf, Katuk leaf is generally used to smooth milk. This leaf is produced as a nutritious supply fitofarmaka to smooth milk. This is evidenced at least ten products containing milk facilitating katuk leaf has been in Indonesia since 2000. In addition, consumption katuk by nursing mothers may increase the time women breastfeed significantly.

During this study the side effects of the use of the leaf as facilitating breastfeeding katuk this still has not been done in Indonesia, so it has not been proven 100 percent safe.